Lake District Reflections Painting

Lake District Reflections Painting

Lake District Reflections Painting

An original painting by Stanley Port.
Acrylics on Board: 60 x 45 cm
This painting is Framed and is FOR SALE:  £395

Lake District Reflections Painting: This is my painting of Crummock Water, a beautiful lake in the Lake District in Cumbria, North West England. Wainwright described this as “no pairing of hill and lake in Lakeland have a closer partnership than these”. This painting has evolves with the help of photographer, Kenny Block @kenny.d.block, who kindly sent me his fine photograph. We can see one of the tiny islets in the foreground.

A Giclée print of this painting is available from the artist   Contact

Framed painting:- 


Palette And Brushes


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